Residential Security: 11 Stats You Need to Know

Residential Security - Stats You Need to Know

Every day, the average home is broken into once. And the odds are even higher if you live in a big city, or have valuable items on your property. But that’s not all. There are other scary and surprising statistics about break-ins every year which might lead you to believe there is no way to make your home secure.

But there are ways to make your home more secure, and it starts with understanding the risks.

Here are 11 statistics about home security that you need to know

1. Every day, there are over 8,000 home burglaries in the United States. That’s one every 13 seconds.

2. 62% of burglars say they would target a home again if it was easy to break into the first time.

3. The average loss per burglary is $2,416.

4. 34% of burglars enter through the front door. 23% come in through a first-floor window.

5. Most burglaries happen during the day, when people are at work or school.

6. 30% of burglars say they would be deterred by a home security system.

7. Homes without security systems are 3 times more likely to be broken into than homes with them.

8. The average police response time to a burglary call is 10 minutes.

9. Only 13% of burglars are caught and arrested.

10. 60% of convicted burglars say they would avoid a home if they saw signs of an alarm system.

11. A home security system can save you up to 20% on your homeowners insurance.

With these statistics in mind, it’s clear that home security is a big deal. And most people take it for granted. If you want to keep your home and family safe, make sure you have a good security system in place. It could end up saving you a lot of money, time, and stress in the long run.

Contact 850 Security Services today!

At 850 Security Services, we understand the importance of home security. We offer a variety of products and services to meet your home security needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, or to get a free quote.